New Residents Welcome Note

This welcome note contains lots of useful information about our village.

If you have a new neighbour please print this welcome note and pass it on to them.
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Public Consultation on South East Strategic Reservoir

Thames Water has launched a public consultation on proposals for the South-East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO). A new reservoir located to the south-west of Abingdonin Oxfordshire. This follows the publication last year of the revised draft Water Resources Management Plan 2024, setting out the measures that are proposed to protect future water supplies and decrease the likelihoodof water shortages during prolonged periods of drought. 

There are a series of community information events in various locations around the proposed reservoir site.

•     Sutton Courtenay Village Hall -  27 June: 2 - 8pm.

•     Royal British Legion, East Hanney - 29 June:  10am - 4pm.

•     Abingdon Guildhall – 1 July: 11am - 5pm.

•     Loyd Lindsay Rooms, Wantage - 5 July: 11am - 5pm.

•     Didcot Civic Hall - 9 July: 2 - 8pm.

•     Milton Hill House, Steventon – 15 July: 2 – 8pm.  

•     Marcham Centre – 18 July: 2 - 8pm.


The consultation runs run 28 August 2024 and is available here

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